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Posted by on 2014/09/28 under Uncategorized

Anime is the bane of my existence. I despise it and the fanbase with a passion. Before I go on about the fanbase, I would like to give you some reasons I do not enjoy watching it.

ART STYLE: Seriously!? Why the hell would a teenage male in Highschool have long white hair? It doesn’t make sense! Over half the damn males in anime need a haircut badly. Not to mention the f***ing eyes! Maybe anime would be a respectable art style if the eyes weren’t so big. The rest of the style is realistic, why can’t the eyes be!? The scantily clad women has to be the most insulting. I AM A MAN WHO IS NOT AROUSED BY ANIME GIRLS IN SKIRTS, STOP TREATING ME LIKE I’M SUPPOSED TO FIND THIS S*** SEXY!

CHARACTER TRAITS: The thing I have the most problem with is how women are portrayed. Even when it’s trying to be serious, grown women are being portrayed as whiny 4 year old bimbos. Not to mention, theres always four common characters found in almost every anime: The Hot Headed Boy Who Enjoys Fighting And Always Manages To Find Himself In Trouble, The Nerdy Boy, The “Pretty” Popular Girl, The Quiet Girl Who Keeps To Herself.

Now the fanbase has to be the worst, and I’m not talking about normal anime fans, I’m talking about otakus. If you insult their fanbase, they’ll bring they’re full arsenal, they’ll do things like: Pretend To Eat You, Roleplay As Some Emo Anime Chick And “Scare” You, Threaten To Commit Suicide, Spam Cry Emoticons, And Much More!

Some otakus will gather up all the english that they know and give you brilliant insults. Even though English is they’re first language, they’ll still give you insults like this: “U STIK AND IZ SUPID DIE!” (<–isn't that threatening!)

Otakus are such pushovers though, for a large fanbase, they should be able to tear people like me a new one. And some otakus aren't half-bad, it's just the roudy bunch that makes all of them look bad. But seriously, am I the only one noticing anime seems to be making people dumber?

There are some intellectual anime fans, but intellectual otakus seem to be non-existent. Alot of anime fans claim to be otakus, but really aren't. Unless you spend hundreds of dollars on anime merchandising, or spend up to 12 hours a day watching anime, you are not an otaku.

I've encountered some real life otakus, and they are the most annoying people there are. They take they're birth tounge of English, shorten it, and throw in some Japanese words for the hell of it, and have this mishmash of f***ery I cannot comprehend.

You litteraly cannot argue with these people since you can't understand them. These hypocrites talk about sex all the time, yet all they do is fap to Hentai. Seriously otakus, learn moderation. Learn when you've watched to much anime. That is all peace.


HENTAI: Hentai is the worst thing on the internet. It's f***ing disgusting, yet people feel obliged to dowload this crap on their hard drives and display it for all to see. Are these weeaboos so desperate that they have to look at anime to get aroused? Do they actually find this s*** arousing? Whoever draws Hentai needs to stop…NOW.


"U dont understand anime, thats why u dont like it."

Why yes I do understand it, there's giggling chicks and two men stabbing eachother, what more do I need to understand?

"People who hate anime secretly like anime."

You expect me to enjoy it XD

"People just don't enjoy foreign cartoons like we do."

Really? You enjoy it by drawing pictures of two random characters f***ing and cry about how bad you are at art?

(I have worded everything so harshly, so yes I do expect alot of hate. And yes, you did just read a one page essay on why I hate anime.)

4 thoughts on “I Hate Anime So Much (Anime Fans Read With Caution)

  1. Bystander says:

    Lol, i’m a anime watcher myself. But I get your point of view though. True, things might seem a bit weird, but that is the whole point of it. It displays a fantasy world that some of us like to imagine ourselves in or just see it for ourselves. Sort of like reading a book, where you read it and try to make an image out of it. I personally enjoy watching anime for reasons that include focusing on its own world that makes me forget about the world we live in, and just for the comedy of it. I can watch sort of any anime out their, but not the too childish ones where it’s based around young kids. Hentai for me is just pure laughter, because I know its retarded and something like that will never happen in the real world, but yet it’s just interesting on how we imagine it ourselves. Well this is my opinion. Hope you understand. (x

  2. Dee says:

    We’ll everyone has their own view on things and logically speaking I don’t think yours is wrong! I’m a huge fan of anime myself and yes I do agree with your point of view! Or at least I understand that 🙂 but for the rest of us who do enjoy anime, we are able to embrace this ‘weirdness’. It’s just like how you may be able to embrace a certain something but I cannot. And I also agree with the previous comment except for the hentai part cause I’m not into pornographic material lol. But for character traits, maybe you would wanna look up into other genres of anime because not all of them contain big boob girls who behave like 4 year olds? And for the part on idiotic responses, I hope you understand that people usually say all these because they’re trying to defend something they feel extremely strongly about! And maybe at that point of time they just fail to see both sides ya:)
    Cheers and have a good day 🙂

  3. XenonVirus says:

    I have built up alot of rage over this fandom with people flooding hentai where it doesn’t belong and stuff. This was me letting my frustration out. I was expecting to get ridiculed, but this is really a place to express your feelings.
    To all their own opinion.

  4. kurayamihimesama says:

    I’m actually an anime watcher myself, and manga reader to be precise. I don’t exactly see what’s wrong with anime.
    It’s nice…well maybe different people have different opinion. If you hate anime that much, i won’t force you to like it. I once hated anime like you. I think my first anime was hunter x hunter and i was super excited as i can’t wait for the next episode. I didn’t regret being an otaku, instead I love being an otaku!

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